Individual values are separated in the result string with a specific separator ( RepositoryItemPopupGalleryEdit.SeparatorChar) and a space character. Each gallery item value is converted to a string during the concatenation. If this property is set to CSV, the edit value is a string concatenating values of currently selected gallery items ( GalleryItem.Value). The editor’s edit value is created according to the RepositoryItemPopupGalleryEdit.EditValueType property. This behavior is controlled by the BaseGallery.ItemCheckMode property of the embedded gallery ( RepositoryItemPopupGalleryEdit.Gallery). One or more items can be selected (checked) simultaneously in the dropdown gallery. General information on galleries, items and gallery initialization can be found in the following topics.ĭevExpress WinForms: PopUp Gallery.
The PopupGalleryEdit displays a dropdown gallery ( RepositoryItemPopupGalleryEdit.Gallery), where items can be combined into groups: PopupBaseEdit Public Class PopupGalleryEdit